As the recently elected President of Maine Woods Baseball, I wanted to say thank you to the managers and board members for showing confidence in me. I look forward to furthering the dream of the league…..”play baseball forever”. Now that I’m President, I’ve been thinking about what the role of President should be for our league. Basically, I think the President's role is to focus on the league as a whole and to let the managers continue to do what they do best……take care of the needs of their team. That’s not to say I will be hands off. I will certainly lend my support and advice to the managers when necessary, but my main focus will always be on the league as a whole. Keep in mind when I say league, I am not only referring to Maine Woods 45. I also will be concentrating my efforts on Maine Woods 60, Fall Ball and the Sunrise Base Ball Club of Brunswick. Collectively we make-up Maine Woods Baseball, Midcoast Maine’s premier adult baseball league.
One of my goals will be to make sure Maine Woods Baseball remains strong, competitive and enjoyable. One way to do that is to continue to attract quality players with a love for the game of baseball. That is where I think my strength as President will benefit the league most. I have experience with player recruiting, social media exposure and team and league organizing. Not to mention I just plain love this league and take it as a personal challenge to make sure it is here for years to come. Another goal of mine is to be accessible to the individual players and be your voice at the league meetings if you have questions or concerns that are not being addressed by your manager.
Thank you for your time and attention and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, thoughts or general comments.
Michael Doucette
President, Maine Woods Baseball